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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Media Joke About Bernie Sanders

Did you see the stories in the mainstream media today about how 1) Democrats are ramping up pressure on Bernie Sanders to withdraw from the presidential race and 2) the Nevada Democrat party sent a letter to the DNC warning that Bernie Sanders' supporters are violent and could disrupt the convention in Philadelphia?  That has to be the most idiotic pair of stories I've seen in the mainstream media in a long time, and that is truly saying something.

First we have the supposed pressure on Bernie to withdraw from the race.  Seriously, does anyone, ANYONE, think that Sanders will withdraw?  No way!  He has all the money he needs.  He keeps beating Hillary Clinton (although she will still get the nomination because the system is rigged).  He's having a great time campaigning in front of huge crowds who listen to everything he says while Hillary has trouble getting more than 1000 people to show up anywhere.  He has no reason to withdraw.  Certainly, Sanders doesn't care about whispers from some other Democrats in the House or Senate.  Sanders wasn't even a Democrat until he decided to run for the nomination.  He's not going to get out until he after he beats Hillary in California on June 7.

Then there's the supposed violence of the Sanders' supporters.  It's bizarre.  The Nevada Democrat party rigged the state convention so that somehow Hillary managed to win a floor contest by the narrowest possible margin.  When the count seemed wrong to some delegates, they sought a recount but the chair tried to stop that move.  So what actually happened is that the Clinton forces tried to steal a few delegates by miscounting the votes in Hillary's favor.  When the Sanders' forces tried to stop that theft, the Hillary forces just closed down the convention and now they are blaming it all on the violence of the Sanders' forces.  If Bernie's followers do get violent, it will just be because of the underhanded and dishonest tactics used by the Clinton forces.

The mainstream media is out there today blithely spreading this misinformation as if it were news.  They know the stories are phony, but they push them anyway.  If anyone ever needed proof that the media works for the Clintons, this is it.

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