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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hillary's Support Really Is Collapsing

The American people really don't like to see their votes disregarded; they won't support a candidate or a party that rigs the system in his or her favor.  That fact is killing Hillary Clinton.  Over the last month, it has been made clear that the Democrats completely rigged their nominating process so that Hillary would win.  We've seen states where Bernie Sanders won the primary, but Hillary still got more delegates.  The story how the system is rigged is so widespread that they even joked about it on Saturday Night Live last week.  The story reached a boiling point when the Nevada state Democrat party seems to have rigged the vote at the state convention and then refused to hold a recount when the numbers did not add up.  The anger of the Sanders' supporters was then used by the party bosses working for Clinton to attack Bernie.

Proof that this mess is causing Hillary's support to collapse came again yesterday in the latest poll from Virginia.  The poll was taken by the pollsters from Roanoke College.  It showed a tie between Trump and Hillary in Virginia.  Each candidate had 38% of the vote.  This was the fourth poll by Roanoke that pitted Trump against Clinton.  In the past polls Hillary had won by between 12 and 17 percent of the vote.  And here's the key:  Trump did not do much better than in the past; the big change was that Hillary went from 48-50 percent of the vote to only 38 percent support.  That means that roughly one-eighth of all voters abandoned her since the last poll.

There's a long time until the election, so anything can happen.  If Hillary and the Democrat bosses continue to treat voters with disdain, however, nothing will help them.  They are guaranteeing a big loss.

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