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Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Ignorance of US Media

NBC news reported that Russia is furious that American tanks came were within 45 miles of the border when they took part in NATO exercises in the nation of Georgia.  How could America's military make such a threatening move?  Why would we put tanks and a few hundred men so close to the Russian border?  Is it war-mongering by the Pentagon?

Okay, now let's try actual facts.  Georgia is a very small country on Russia's southern border.  In 2008, Russian forces invaded Georgia and took over the provinces of Abkhazia and Southern Ossetia.  There was world-wide condemnation of the move by the Russians, but they are still there in control of the two provinces.  Sanctions were placed on the Russians which were supposed to force them to withdraw.  Then less than six months later, the new Obama administration decided to back off from the sanctions.  The so called "Russian Reset" was born.  It was the idea of Hillary Clinton and president Obama.  The USA forgave the Russian invasion of its neighbor and lifted all the sanctions.  It was an incredibly idiotic policy.  The Russians realized that Obama would never stand up to them, so they invaded and took over Crimea and part of eastern Ukraine where they remain today.

The supposed upset of the Russians over having a few tanks and a few hundred American troops only 45 miles from the border is just another attempt by Russian president Putin to intimidate president Obama.  The media publicizes the "upset" as if it were real.  Of course, if the NBC reporter had bothered to even look at a map, it would have been revealed that the capital of Georgia, the city of Tbilisi is, itself, less than 50 miles from the Russian border.  Further, because Georgia is so small, roughly 75% of the country is within 45 miles of the border with Russia.  The Russians are not upset because of where the tanks ended up.  They just want to prevent any American military cooperation with Georgia and to make clear that Russia is the undisputed hegemon of the region.

It wouldn't have been hard for NBC to report the story correctly.  It would, however, have required either a bit of knowledge or a bit of work by NBC.  Sadly, the network seems to be clueless and lazy.

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