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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

More Lies About Trump's Trade Views

Yahoo is the source for Yahoo News and Yahoo Finance which are supposedly sites that report news.  The reality, however, is that these sites are totally slanted in favor of the Democrats and Hillary Clinton.  We got another example just now when Yahoo Finance ran an analysis of the trade policies of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  The article first incorrectly states Trump's position and then bases its analysis on these misstated views.

The reporter for this analysis, Nicole Sinclair, first tells us that Donald Trump has proposed a 45% tariff on goods imported from China.  Then she says that "experts" tell us that such a tax would cause a recession.

Trump indeed did call for a 45% tax on Chinese goods, but that was only to be imposed if the Chinese were to violate the treaties and laws that call for fair trade.  Here's how Trump put it at one of the GOP debates:

"The 45 percent is a threat that if they don't behave, if they don't follow the rules and regulations so that we can have it equal on both sides, we will tax you."

That's not a call for a 45% tariff like Yahoo claims.  It's a threat of a major penalty on China if it continues to violate the treaties and laws that govern trade. 

Think of it this way.  Suppose Trump said that he wants to impose an additional five year prison term on illegal aliens who commit multiple violent felonies while in the USA.  That would only apply if an illegal alien committed at least two violent crimes.  Under the standard that Yahoo and Nicole Sinclair use, they would report this by saying that Trump wants to put all illegal aliens in prison for five years.

I have no problem with the issues being fully debated and the American people making their choice for president.  I do, however, have a problem when a news source like Yahoo reports false "facts" and then analyzes them.

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