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Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Blindness of The Left

Time magazine has a cover story this week about bathrooms and transgenders.  It's filled with all the usual liberal platitudes.  I was struck by this quote from a school superintendent meant to show why transgender students must be allowed to use the facilities of the sex with which they identify.

Each student needs to feel secure and comfortable.  We can't leave out the marginalized.

Think about that.  For Time magazine, it is a short statement why transgenders must have access to the bathrooms, locker rooms and showers they want to use.  But if one looks at this rationally, one has to ask how many students are made to feel insecure and uncomfortable when they share a locker room or shower or bathroom with someone whose body is of the opposite sex?  Is the discomfort of a twelve year old girl to be ignored when she has to shower with someone whose body is that of a boy?  Why is the comfort and security of only the transgendered student to be considered?  Indeed, if transgenders are much less than one percent of the students across America, why is the security and comfort of the 99 plus percent to be ignored in favor of the fewer than 1 percent?  There is no satisfactory and rational answer to that question.  If the goal is the security and comfort of the school children, then only one result makes sense.  Nevertheless, the left keeps pushing for the opposite result and doing so while using language that borders on nonsensical.


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