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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Two Key Points of the State Department Inspector General Report on Clinton's Emails

The Inspector General of the State Department is out with a report today on Hillary Clinton's email mess.  There are two key points to the report.  First, the IG condemns Clinton's email system as improper and in violation of Department rules and regulations.  It goes on to explain that Clinton resisted using the State Department system because she wanted to keep her messages private.  This result is not surprising since everyone in America (other than Hillary and her spokespeople) already accepted this conclusion.  The second point is, for me, the more interesting one.  Both Hillary Clinton and her chief aides refused to cooperate with the investigation by the Inspector General.  Politico (which is another of those Clinton groupies) sneaks that information into its report when it says deep in its article on the subject, "The document [the IG Report] also included some details of an exchange between Clinton and Abedin, who both chose not to cooperate with the IG’s investigation."  The Clintonites clearly want to hide the fact that Hillary and her staff REFUSED TO COOPERATE with the investigation.

Think back for a moment.  How many times in the last year have you seen a smiling Hillary Clinton tell us all that she just wants all the facts to come out, that there's nothing to these investigations (she calls them a security review) and that she and all her people will fully cooperate with investigators?  The number is certainly more than twenty times that she's said that.  But surprise, surprise, surprise!  Hillary Clinton was telling lies!  Imagine that.  Hillary was being dishonest.  She was saying one thing and doing something else.  Is Hillary ever honest?  I don't think so.

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