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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Facts Or Fake News

Many times a day (or so it seems) we are confronted by news stories that just seem wrong.  Sometimes, I know the report is wrong.  Still, it's not often that scientific data is reported incorrectly by scientists (as opposed to reporters).  That's why I find it astonishing that a new piece points out that NOAA is falsifying the data on the ice coverage of the Arctic Ocean.  In the last ten years, the ice has gotten thicker, indeed substantially thicker, but NOAA is now saying that global warming has weakened and almost removed that sea ice.  To really see the comparison between what NOAA is saying and the facts, you need to read the article linked here.  I realize that the article is from Breitbart, so half of you probably just decided that it cannot be reliable.  Nevertheless, I suggest you read it.

Global warming is too important for it to be pushed by false data.  If, as it appears from the actual temperature data, the models upon which global warming predictions are based have been proven wrong, then it is idiotic for the world to spend billions of dollars trying to prevent something that isn't happening.

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