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Monday, April 29, 2019

Biden's First Rally -- or --A Tale of Two People

Joe Biden held his first live campaign rally today in Pittsburgh, PA.  The event was at a high school gymnasium.  Joe managed to fill about two thirds of the room.

Let's stop here for a moment.  This is supposed to be the culmination of months of decision making by Biden.  His campaign should have pulled out all the stops for this first big rally, but Biden couldn't even fill a small room.  That's sad.

The story goes on, however.  According to reports, some of the people at the rally admitted to local media that they had been paid to attend.  That's correct, PAID to attend.  So Joe not only could fill the room all the way; but also, he had to pay some audience members just to show up.

Contrast this with the last Trump rally from the other night.  It was held in Green Bay Wisconsin.  That's a much less populated area than Western PA.  Trump, however, filled a much, much larger arena and had thousands of people who were turned away from the rally but who remained and listened to the President outside in the cold.  None of them were paid to show up.

Now I know that it's a draw to see the President of the United States for many people.  Still Biden was VP and he seems hard-pressed to get as big a crowd as the local Dunkin Donuts gets on National Donut Day.

The truth is that Biden is a boring old man.  He's going to have to punch that up if he is ever to be successful in this race.

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