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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Cuidado Guaido

There doesn't seem to be much good information available as to what is actually happening in Venezuela at the moment.  Hopefully, dictator Maduro is realizing that his support is crumbling and he is making plans to flee to Cuba.  Alternatively, the supporters of president Juan Guaido could be getting killed in droves by Cuban forces supporting Maduro.  There's news reports that seem to indicate both are happening, even though only one is likely correct.  Indeed, something completely different than either of these scenarios could be unfolding tonight.

We cannot directly influence the events in Venezuela.  We can pray, however, for the safety of the people of our neighbor to the south and ask that they be released from the bondage of Socialism which has put them into total grinding poverty.  We can ask the Lord to restore them to freedom. 

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