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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Eric Swalwell is Planning To Run For President -- Really.

Word is out that California Democrat congressman Eric Swalwell is planning on joining the race for the 2020 Democrat nomination for president.  Now that's a sentence that I never thought I would write.  Swalwell is the truthfulness-challenged congressman who made near daily appearances on CNN and MSNBC to tell America about the "clear and convincing evidence" of the collusion by President Trump with the Russians.  Swalwell, if anything, was stronger in announcing the existence of criminal acts by the President and his family and campaign than even Adam Schiff or John Brennan.  Now that he's been exposed as a major liar, and a bad one at that, Swalwell thinks that those credentials entitle him to the party nomination for president.

I don't get how Democrat crazies like Swalwell have the nerve to come forward and ask people to vote for them for president.  Swalwell is just going to embarrass himself with the outcome.  Sometimes, young candidates like Swalwell run in hopes of getting the nod for vice president.  But for Swalwell, that cannot be the case.  What Dem candidate in his or her right mind would pick a known liar with absolutely no accomplishments and not even a winning personality to be on the ticket?  Wait..maybe I'm being too hasty.  The Dems, after all, picked Hillary in 2016.

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