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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Tactile Style Politics?

Two more women have come forward to complain about Joe Biden groping them at events in the past.  It's amazing to watch the media torn between ripping Biden for conduct that would lead to a firestorm were it done by a Republican and defending Biden because he's a prominent Democrat.  Clearly, the internal conflict is getting intense for some.  Others are in all out protect mode.

Perhaps, my favorite of all of the comments comes from those who say that Biden engages in "tactile style" politics.  That's right, by groping these women, Joe is just campaigning.  Of course, one might wonder how it is campaigning to kiss the Democrat candidate for Nevada lieutenant governor backstage at a rally, but that's probably just me being too detail oriented.  Biden is entitled to all the protection that the "D" after his name provides, right?

Just imagine for a moment what would have happened during the Kavanaugh hearings if, instead of a three accusers who had total memory loss or obviously phony stories, the justice had been faced by women who actually had pictures of Biden's actions and who gave detailed descriptions of the date, place, time and circumstances of each event.  Kavanaugh wouldn't have lasted for five minutes.  After all, it would have been conduct unacceptable for a Supreme Court Justice appointed by a Republican.  Apparently, though, for a Democrat running to be the person who makes Supreme Court appointments, it was just "tactile style" politics.

Given all the photos of Biden doing his creepy uncle routine over the years, there are probably dozens, if not hundreds, of women who could join the chorus.  Biden, so far, has just issued a written statement.  If he truly decides to run, he better be prepared to answer the question many times over the next year.

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