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Friday, April 19, 2019

How Bad Things Must Be For Cherokee Liz

Elizabeth Warren has issued a "brave" call for the impeachment of Donald Trump as president.  Yawn.  That's the story line in far left places like the HuffPo and Yahoo News.  With the Mueller Report out and the conclusion being that Trump did not collude and obstruction cannot be proven, Warren wants to go on the war path anyway.  Cherokee Liz has pulled out her tomahawk and wants to go for the scalp of Mr. Trump.  There may be no high crimes or misdemeanors to justify impeachment, but Liz wants to go ahead with it anyway.  How bad things must be going for her campaign.

I know that after the first quarter and some rather dismal results for Liz with regard to fund raising, endorsements and poll numbers, Warren has had to fire some of her staff.  It's amazing that Warren would blame her staff for being unable to raise money for someone as unlikeable as she.  I mean who would have any sympathy for someone who pretended to be an Indian just so she could scam her way into getting a better job at the law schools at Penn and Harvard?  Can't you hear Liz now screaming at her staff, "What do you mean that don't like me and they think I'm a fraud?  Can't you tell them something to make them change their minds?  Oh wait...I know...I jump in and call for impeachment.  That should spring a load of cash my way."

A rational person would never even try for president if he or she had the problems that Warren created for herself. 

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