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Monday, April 8, 2019

Here We Go -- Chaos Is Back as a Meme

The director of the Secret Service is leaving the Trump administration.  In the space of a few days, the main people at the top of the Department of Homeland Security are all being replaced.  President Trump says he wants to go in a "tougher" direction with a new group of people.  By now, all but the most delusional progressives agree that there is a crisis at the border.  Because of the obstruction of the Democrats, Trump has been unable to stop the flow of illegals who pour into our country drawn by the benefits and other goodies that Democrats promise will be theirs once they get here.  The President is trying once again to come up with a strategy that will enable him to stop the flood of illegal aliens.  This is a very rational choice by Trump.  He wants to accomplish an objective of stopping the illegals.  When the people he has in place to do that job fail to get it done, he is replacing them with others who might do better.  It's a rather standard procedure in the private sector, but somehow, it seems to be big news because it is in the government.  Apparently, Democrats and the media don't understand the concept of rewarding good results and holding people accountable for bad results.

In any event, the change over has brought back one of the Dems favorite memes:  Chaos in the Trump administration.  In order, we were told that there was chaos in the Trump primary team, chaos in the Trump convention planning staff, chaos in the Trump campaign for the general election, chaos in the Trump staff planning for the transition, chaos in the early staff of the administration, and chaos in the staff of the administration and every agency of the federal government.  Despite all this supposed chaos, the president has managed to win the election, revitalize the economy, move the USA to be the biggest energy producer in the world, defeat ISIS, avoid any new wars or foreign conflicts, get rid of the Individual mandate from Obamacare, cut taxes for most Americans, institute much better medical care for our veterans, revamp the rules for people in prison so that non-violent offenders can get out earlier, and many other things.  It seems that the "chaos" about which the media never stops talking is nothing more than just another talking point.  It is either non-existent, or it's very being generates better results for the people of the country.

One would think that the media would be tired by now of constantly talking about the phony chaos, but I guess not.  That makes sense.  After all, this is the same media that discussed all that collusion between the President's campaign and Russia even though a 2 year investigation by Mueller showed that there was no such collusion.

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