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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Big Lie Continues -- Omar Style

The Democrats and the media cannot seem to deal with reality, so they make up their own.  In the Washington Post, Richard Cohen continues this tradition.  Cohen writes a column entitled "Trump Smears Omar As An Enemy of America."  Cohen then discusses the video released by Trump which shows Omar describing 9-11 as "some people did something," shows pictures of the World Trade Center collapsing in flames on 9-11 and the Pentagon burning on that day, and then simply says "We will never forget."  For Cohen, this is a smear.  For Cohen, showing a video of Omar's own words is labeling her an enemy of America.  How bizarre!

Cohen is not alone.  He is just part of a group of media and Democrats who have launched this attack on reality.  Senator Booker of New Jersey who is one of the horde of Democrat candidates for president called the Trump video a "vicious attack" on poor representative Omar.  Trump apparently has some nerve to quote Omar; how vicious!  There are many others in this effort.

The sad thing is that the Democrats think they can convince America that Trump overstepped the bounds of propriety when he quoted Omar and showed pictures of 9-11 in the same video.  Americans are not that stupid, however.  All they need to do is see the Trump video to realize just how vapid and dishonest the Democrat/media attack is.

There is a basic truth at issue here.  Ilhan Omar is an anti-Semitic congressman who spews hatred and bigotry on a repeated basis.  She is an apologist for Islamic terrorism.  Criticism of her is not Islamophobia; it is truth.  Criticism of her is not sexism; it is truth.  Criticism of her is not racism; it is truth.  Just because Omar is a black, Muslim woman, she does not get the right to immunity from criticism for her bigotry or her support for the terrorists. 

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