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Thursday, April 4, 2019

Worry in Dem/Media Land about Hispanics

The New York Times ran an article yesterday in which the author tries to figure out why President Trump and the GOP are doing so well among Hispanic voters.  Other websites and news media are discussing the same subject.  Here's the reason for all this consideration:  in multiple recent polls, the President's approval rating among Hispanics is 50% or more.  We Trump to get 50% of the Hispanic vote, it would seal the doom of the Democrat candidate.  Trump would lock up Florida.  He would also likely win Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada.  Colorado and even New Jersey would be in play.  Simply put, were Trump to split the Hispanic vote evenly with the Democrats, Trump would be unbeatable in 2020.

It's no wonder that the Democrats are obsessing over these voters.  After all, the whole point of the Democrats' recent push for open borders and unrestricted immigration has been to appeal to Hispanics.  This shows that the effort which has alienated many working class voters has not paid dividends for the Dems among Hispanics.  The best part of all this is that polling data shows that one of the main reasons why Hispanics are dismissing the Democrats is the result of that party's stance on enforcement of immigrations laws.  It seems that Hispanics want our border protected just like the vast majority of their fellow Americans.

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