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Friday, April 5, 2019

The Media Is In A Tizzy -- The President is Skipping the White House Correspondents Dinner Again!

For the first two years of his administration, President Trump skipped the White House Correspondents Dinner.  At last year's dinner, the featured speaker was a little known comedian from The Daily Show who spent much of her time mocking the appearance of White House spokesman Sarah Sanders.  The attack on Sanders' appearance was so offensive that even some of the members of the media were angered by it despite the target being part of the Trump administration.  As a result of the uproar, the correspondents went with something new this year.  Instead of the comedian who roasts various celebrities, they have a historian speaking.  It didn't matter, though.  The President just announced he isn't coming to the dinner.  Instead he is holding a rally elsewhere.

Trump's announcement has many in the media sniffing that the President shouldn't boycott their event.  He isn't boycotting them, he is just not attending.  The media doesn't have the right to control Trump's schedule.  If he has a choice between speaking to 15-25,000 people who support him and who are thrilled to hear him speak or 400 members of the media, most of whom hate him and will denounce whatever he says no matter the content, it is rather clear why he's going to the rally.

The mainstream media people for some reason think that they can attack the President for years, make up all sorts of Fake News about him, and call him all sorts of names and that he will then want to come to socialize with them.  How dumb is that? 

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