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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The New Yorker Seeks To Protect Ilhan Omar From Bullying and Other BS

In a new low for the left wing of the mainstream media, the New Yorker has published an article which describes how anti-Semitic Democrat Ilhan Omar of Minnesota is the target of "bullying".  According to the article, Omar is being bullied because she makes most government officials and politicians (as well as ordinary Americans) uncomfortable.  Here's how the New Yorker puts it:

Two of her fundamental positions—that the United States government and many of its elected officials support an apartheid regime in Israel-Palestine, and that the civil rights of Muslims in the U.S. are routinely trampled by entities that include the government—are as uncomfortable for many Americans as they are indisputable.

What a crock.  The mere fact that the so called reporter could say that it is "indisputable" that Israel is an "apartheid regime" shows that the reporter has no idea of the actual facts.  Apartheid was the South African legal structure that kept the races separate in that country.  Blacks had no rights; they were excluded from all organs of national power.  In Israel, things are totally different.  Arabs have all the rights of every other Israeli.  There is only one difference between the two groups; unlike Jews or Druse, Arabs are not subject to compulsory military service.  Otherwise, each group votes.  Indeed, in the Israeli elections this past week, about ten percent of the newly elected members of the Israeli parliament are Arabs.  Under apartheid, South Africa had separate designated districts where members of each race were to live.  In Israel, there is nothing like that.  Israel is not an apartheid state.

And then there's the charge that the civil rights of Muslims in the US are trampled as a matter of routine.  How?  It just doesn't happen.  Indeed, Ilhan Omar herself shows that Muslims have the same rights as everyone else.  She's an elected member of Congress even though her district is no mare than 10% Muslim.  She was elected by the other 90%.

Omar, however, arrived in Congress to begin immediately to start with Anti-Semitic attacks.  She also became an apologist for terrorism.  Anyone who could call 9-11 "some people did something," is pretending that 3000 dead Americans don't matter.  She isn't being bullied.  She is being called out for the bigoted, insensitive and even anti-American things that she says. 

We cannot stand by and let the mainstream media define Omar as a victim.  She is not.  Omar herself is the bully.  She's always attacking others, so when she generates a quite appropriate response she ought not get away with pretending to be the poor unfortunate victim.  She's like the proverbial child who kills his parents and then asks the court for mercy because he or she is an orphan.


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