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Sunday, April 7, 2019

How Desperate Is The Media?

Over this weekend, I've been reading the headlines that pop up on my Yahoo News feed.  To hear Yahoo News tell it, President Trump is mentally impaired, Islamophobic, nasty, and basically unhinged.  Oh, and he thinks all immigrants are "animals".  In other words, it was a typical weekend at Yahoo.  But there was one thing missing.  In the midst of all the Fake News that Yahoo spews, there was precious little about how Trump colluded with Russia in 2016.  To tell the truth, the absence of that attack line left a big hole in the usual onslaught by Yahoo.

The closest Yahoo came to Russia was an article under a headline that said that Trump's complete exoneration by the Mueller Report may not be as complete as previously thought.  Ooooo, that's big news, right?  Of course, if you actually read the article under the headline, you find that it is just a rehash of that piece of journalistic malpractice that the NY Times pumped out this week in which they way that they spoke to some people who know some of the lawyers who worked for Mueller and heard that a few of the Mueller staff did not think that Barr's letter properly summed up that report.  Even then, the Times didn't identify these mystery people who claim to know people on the Mueller staff, and the report certainly didn't mention which of the Mueller supposedly said this.  It was unnamed "sources" repeating what other unnamed "sources" supposedly said.  In short, there was no way to check on this at all.  And to make matters worse, Barr didn't attempt to summarize the Mueller report; he just listed the final conclusions.  So what Yahoo was doing was piling one bit of Fake News on the shoulders of another bit of Fake News. 

Even Yahoo had to realize just how weak its Fake News attack on Trump was, so they dug to find something else to cite.  First, they followed the lead of about ten other news organizations and focused again on a quote from Trump from last year.  In discussing the gang MS-13, the President called these murderous thugs "animals".  Oh, the horror!  Of course, that's not how the media portrayed it.  No, according to Yahoo and other outlets, Trump called all immigrants "animals".  According to these Fake Newsers, Trump didn't even specify illegal immigrants as animals; nope, it was all immigrants ever.  They're all animals according to Trump, or so the mainstream media told us.  It was a sad commentary on the state of the media.  I wonder what's next?  My guess is that after the next event attended by the President where the Star Spangled Banner is sung, the NY Times will publish an article reporting that the President is losing his sight because he was overhear to say:  "Oh say can you see?"

But that wasn't all.  This morning Yahoo reported that Trump attacked a poor freshman Democrat congressman in a speech yesterday.  How unfair!  Of course, Trump was speaking to the Republican Jewish Committee and he mentioned that one of the new darlings of the Democrats in Congress, representative Ihan Omar of Minnesota doesn't like Israel.  That's not an attack; it's a statement of the truth.  Omar is the woman who has made repeated anti-Semitic attacks since joining Congress.  The Democrats should have condemned her hateful rhetoric, but they backed off because Omar is a woman of color and a Muslim.  For the Democrats, Omar's bigotry and hatred is protected because of her own status as a minority.  Well, you can be sure that no one in that hall where the President spoke agreed with that distorted logic.  Just because Omar is from Somalia and a Muslim doesn't make it acceptable for her to spout anti-Semitism and hatred any more than it would have been acceptable for Elizabeth Warren to denounce all African Americans because she is Native American.  (oh wait, ...._)
The condemnation of Omar by Trump for her hatred is not just acceptable; it is commendable.

Oh, and then there were the articles in Yahoo News announcing that a psychologist from Yale (Ooo, Yale!) thinks that the President is mentally impaired because he said that his father was born in Germany rather than saying that his father was of German origin.  For those who don't know, Trump's grandfather was born in Germany, but his father was born in the USA.  To hear Yahoo tell it, Trump is just a few days away from a total mental collapse.  Imagine misspeaking in this way!

All of this nonsense made me wonder just how desperate the media is.  They have essentially nothing with which to attack the President.  It must be killing them.  We had two months of explanations how the emergency at the southern border was phony, but that blew up in the face of the media and the Democrats.  No one seriously still contends that there is no emergency.  Sure, much of the mainstream media doesn't cover the story, but it's hard to contend there's no emergency when Obama's secretary of Homeland Security confirms that there's a major emergency.  Scratch that attack.  The Mueller Report exonerated Trump.  Scratch another attack.  There's really nothing left, so they're going through the dregs to try to find something new.  It's truly sad.

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