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Sunday, April 14, 2019

They Never Give Up

It always amazes me how long the Democrats stick with a position no matter how silly it gets.  They just keep going and going and going.  Here are a few examples:

1.  Anti-Semitic Democrat congressman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota spoke to the Islamic group CAIR last week and described the 9-11 terror attacks as "some people did something."  Omar minimized those horrendous terror attacks as basically a non-event.  It was just some people doing something somewhere.  The response was swift and furious.  All sorts of people criticized Omar for her cavalier dismissal of by far the worst terror attack in American history.  The response brought the far left out to defend Omar.  Rather than walk back the comments, Omar claimed to be a victim of racism and islamophobia.  She wouldn't acknowledge that she had insulted the memory of all those thousands who died by waving them off as no big deal.  People like AOC and Rashida Tlaib as well as some of the Democrat presidential candidates came out criticizing those who were "victimizing" poor Ilhan Omar.  It actually got to the point where some of Omar's defenders among the Dems started criticizing the other Dems for not defending this poor "victim" of such hateful oppression.

Of course, then the other shoe dropped.  President Trump issued a video on Twitter.  All that the video did was show Omar saying "some people did something," and then it cut to pictures of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on fire and the WTC collapsing.  The video then said "we will never forget."  As political videos go, it was rather tame.  Not one word criticized Omar; the pictures just pointed out the reality of what she brushed off as "some people did something."

The response from the Dems was typical.  They didn't back off and let the matter drop.  Nope, the came back against the President full force.  People like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders chastised the President for "inciting violence" against Omar.  That line was echoed across the media.  (I guess this was the line that the DNC told them to use.)  Really crazy left wingers like Joy Ann Reid on MSNBC took it a step further and said that not only did the President incite violence against Omar, but that he was put up to do that by Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

All it would have taken to end this would have been an explanation by Omar when the first criticism came that she certainly did not mean to diminish the terrible nature of 9-11 and then silence.  The whole thing would have lasted for half a day and few would know about it.  Now, because the Democrats can't seem to let go of anything, this mistake has become something that fixes in the minds of most Americans that in a choice between the families of 3000 dead Americans killed on 9-11 and a young anti-Semitic congressman who misspoke and then falsely claimed to be a victim, the Democrats chose their bigoted congressman.  That may be a good move if you want to attract the rabid anti-Trump crowd on the far left, but it doesn't work well with the vast middle of the American electorate.  We don't like to see a political party dishonoring the memories of fallen countrymen.

2.  The Mueller Report needs no description.  Democrats and the media told us for over two years that the Mueller Report would be the end of the Trump presidency.  All that clear evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia would be summarized in one place and would be devastating for the President.  Of course, the Mueller Report concluded that there was no evidence of any collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.  The was also no basis for any charges of obstruction of justice.

The Democrat response was amazing.  Instead of backing off, they pushed harder.  Attorney General Barr was withholding the report!  Barr had mischaracterized Mueller's conclusions.  Barr hadn't given a full summary!  Trump was obviously guilty, so now Congress will investigate.  To call these charges laughable is to give them too much credit.  The Mueller Report can't be released in its entirety; that is what the law requires.  Barr will release the overwhelming portion of that Report this week.  So much for Barr withholding the report.  Barr said that he was just summarizing the conclusions in the report, and with the release of the full report, so much for claims that Barr had mischaracterized the conclusions or failed to give a full summary.  The Democrats just couldn't give up on their Trump-Russia fixation, however.

This past week the Attorney General testified in front of Congress.  It was supposed to be testimony about next year's budget.  Instead, the Dems kept hammering Barr for his "misconduct" regarding the Mueller Report.  Barr stayed calm and answered all the questions rather well.  The Dems looked like fools.  Barr even was asked about spying by the Obama administration on the Trump campaign and Barr said that there was such spying.  This was a body blow for the Democrats and they went berserk in response.  They attacked Barr with everything they had.  Barr seems unfazed.  I do wonder, though, whether or not Barr now has much more motivation to find the truth about the Obama spying on Trump.  Putting Brennan or Clapper or Comey (or all three) in prison for spying that was not properly authorized would go a long way towards preventing any recurrence of such a thing.  It would also be a rather good response to those Democrat diehards who attacked Barr so viciously for doing his job (and doing it rather well, I should add.)

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