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Monday, April 22, 2019

Finally a Democrat Candidate Hitting The "Major Issues" -- Seth Moulton

Democrat Seth Moulton, a Massachusetts congressman, has entered the presidential race.  He is either the 284th or 285th candidate (depending on whether or not you count the Night King from Game of Thrones.)  Moulton says he is running on three principal issues:  gun control, national security and climate change.  That's great!  We finally have a Democrat who is emphasizing these issues!  None of the others care about gun control or climate change.  And national security under President Trump is precarious; Moulton wants to go back to the Obama policies of doing nothing but talking about things and paying off Iran.

Seriously, this has to be one of the lamest excuses for a presidential run ever.  Every Democrat favors gun control.  I could write the dialogue at the first debate.

Candidate 1 -- "confiscate all guns."
Candidate 2 -- "I agree"
Candidate 3 -- "I agree"
Candidate 4 -- "I agree"
Candidate 52 -- "I agree"
and so on.

And as for climate change, the main dispute seems to be whether we are doomed in only 12 years or if we have 15 before Earth turns into a cinder with temperatures like 200 degrees every day.  None of the Democrat candidates says anything except the climate change alarmism orthodoxy that their base demands.

It's sad that a guy like this is jumping into this race with no reason and no chance for success.  It's also a strong commentary on the lackluster nature of the other candidates if a congressman thinks he can get traction over all the horde of other candidates.

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