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Sunday, April 28, 2019


I didn't watch the coverage of the White House Correspondents Dinner last night.  Life is too short to waste time on a bunch of phonies congratulating themselves on what a wonderful job they do lying to the American people.  I did see an article today, however, from the AP discussing the "subtle" jabs delivered at the dinner by the various speakers.  Not surprisingly, all of the jabs had only one target:  President Trump.  The examples given in the article of these "subtle" jabs, though weren't so much jabs as they were name-calling.  And to think that any sentient being could call them subtle is rather bizarre.  It's like calling Michael Moore "slightly overweight".  It's like calling the ladies on The View "shy".  It's like calling Hillary Clinton "honest".  It's like calling Anthony Weiner a "good citizen".  It's like calling President Trump "subtle".  It's like calling a hurricane "refreshing".


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