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Friday, April 12, 2019

The NY Legislature Picks Illegal Aliens Over The Gold Star Kids

In the last two weeks, the Democrat-controlled New York Legislature dealt with two measures designed to help people deal with the cost of college tuition.  First, it passed a measure that provides more than $20 million to help fund college costs for illegal aliens.  Second, it killed a measure that would provide a smaller amount to help children of servicemen and women who gave their lives for this country or who were disabled due to wounds in the service.  It's a remarkable contrast, and it tells us so much about the far left view of today's Democrats.  They don't care about those who support America with the ultimate sacrifice.  They do care about those who come here illegally.

I know that there is next to no chance that New Yorkers will change their political point of view in the near term.  Nevertheless, it is horrifying that such a disgusting choice as this got made. 

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