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Monday, April 1, 2019

From a Phony Emergency to a Real One, No Joke

It's rather amazing.  A month ago, the media and Democrats kept telling us that there was no need for the President's declaration of a national emergency at the border, because there just was no such emergency.  Then a month passed.  Huge waves of illegals came over the border and swamped the entire system.  The government ran out of places to detain illegals who were caught and had to just release them into cities along the border.  Officials from the Obama administration conceded that there is a major crisis along the border with Mexico.

And as Forrest Gump might say, "Just like that, we went from there being no crisis at all to there being a major emergency."

Of course, the Democrats still won't agree to negotiate changes to the law which would quickly remedy this disaster.  They want to have a political issue to use in 2020 rather than to help the American people.

It's worth taking a moment to consider the costs of failing to take action on the border.

1.  Tens of thousands of Americans die each year from drug overdoses, and most of those drugs come across our border with Mexico.  With a few actions, Congress could probably cut the flow of these drugs by 50% or more.  That might save the lives of thousands who will otherwise die.  For the Democrats in Congress, votes in 2020 are more important than saving the lives of thousands of our countrymen and women.

2.  The huge portion of the illegal immigrants take low skilled jobs. a phenomenon that allows the wages for low-skilled workers to stagnate.  In other words, the illegal immigrants keep the poor poor.  Meanwhile, the ability to pay low wages allows many wealthy business owners to keep their cost of labor down.  That means illegal immigrants keep many of  the rich rich.  Think about that the next time you hear one of the phony Democrats denouncing income inequality.  Nothing would help reduce income inequality faster than to take steps that would raise wages for the low skilled workers.  Democrats, however, are fight against that tooth and nail.

3.  The cost to the government of illegal aliens is enormous.  There is the cost of immigration law enforcement, but that is minor compared to the cost of welfare, medical care and education given to impoverished illegals.  Our government is already deep in debt, but we keep spending and spending on illegals as if we had limitless funds.  We don't.

4.  Thousands of people (almost all women) are brought illegally into the USA as part of human trafficking schemes.  These woman are forced into a life of prostitution and virtual slavery.  Democrats are fighting to prevent any action which would help end this practice.  Their only answer is to claim that there is no problem.  They're wrong.

The truth is that the cost of illegal immigration and the Democrats blocking of any remedy to the problem is immense.  That is not an April Fool's joke.

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