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Monday, April 1, 2019

The New Narrative From MSNBC and CNN

We just finished two plus years during which the talking heads on CNN and MSNBC told us again and again that President Trump colluded with Russia in 2016 and he was going down once the Mueller investigation ended.  As recently as a week prior to the release of the Mueller Report, luminaries like John Brennan the former director of the CIA assured us that there would be final indictments of Trump and his family when the Mueller Report dropped.  Of course, there were no indictments.  There were no indictments of the President; there were no indictments of the Trump family; indeed, not even the doorman at Trump Tower in New York was indicted.  Instead, Mueller announced that there was no evidence of collusion with the Russians by the President or anyone associated with his campaign.  There also was no basis to indict anyone for obstruction of justice.  It was a stake through the heart of the Russia collusion theory that had previously never seemed able to be killed.  Now, however, it is dead.

For a few days, the people on the lefty news sites were in shock.  It was almost as if they actually believed that Mueller would find evidence of something that no other investigator had found.  After all, the FBI investigated Trump and his campaign for at least half a year prior to the start of the Mueller investigation, and the FBI found nothing at all.  Congressional committees investigate in both the House and Senate, and these committees found no evidence of collusion.  Still, the anti-Trump crazies in the media were waiting for Mueller to pull a rabbit out of his hat and find something that showed that Trump colluded with the Russians.  The alternative was just too horrible for these people to contemplate.  The lack of collusion meant that the American people actually chose Donald Trump for president over Hillary Clinton even though it was Hillary's turn to be president and Hillary was a woman to boot.  That is just unacceptable.

Time has now passed, and the Democrats and the media have come up with a new plan of attack.  You see, we don't really know if Mueller found no collusion or obstruction; we only know what the Attorney General William Barr said about Mueller's conclusions.  It must be that Barr is covering up Mueller's actual conclusions.  Yeah, that's the ticket.  Mueller found evidence, but now Barr is lying about it to protect Trump.

To call this theory delusional is to give it too much credit.  Even a delusional person has some measure of reason to his or her delusions.  The latest theory from Democrat/media central is completely devoid of rationality and it is likely to self-destruct in a matter of weeks.

Think about it.  Robert Mueller and his team know exactly what is in the Mueller Report.  If Barr mischaracterized the report, one or another of them would have stepped forward to challenge Barr's summary, but they didn't.  We didn't even get a story citing unnamed sources familiar with the Mueller report.  It has been nearly two weeks and there have been no such stories.  In fact, it is too late for such a story to appear now and be given any credibility.  Barr's summary must be correct.

Even worse for the Democrat crazies is the fact that nearly all of the Mueller Report will soon be released.  There are portions that cannot be released.  Those are the portions that would a) disclose intelligence methods or operatives, b) disclose testimony before the grand jury which is kept secret by law, and c) items that would include salacious charges against people only peripherally involved with the investigation who are by law entitled to their privacy.  These items are required by law to be kept confidential.  Once nearly all of the Mueller Report is disclosed, it will be truly difficult to accuse the Attorney General of distorting its conclusions.  Even this latest ploy from the Democrats and the media will collapse.

Since the release of the Mueller Report, there have been multiple polls that show that no one other than the Democrat base believes now that Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia.  These non-believers constitute almost two thirds of the American people.  They are going to watch the Democrats/media continue the assault on the President for Russia collusion and find it hard to believe that any group could be so deluded.  It is not going to inspire confidence that the Democrats would be able to govern if they can't even recognize reality.


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