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Saturday, April 20, 2019

Please Make It End!

I'm tired of the endless nonsense being pushed by the media.  I'm tired of the Democrats spending all day every day attacking President Trump without offering any sort of a meaningful alternative.  I want the problems this country faces to be solved.  Maybe I'm naïve, but I think that the average American also wants there to be progress in solving some of our more difficult problems.

During the last two years, President Trump has accomplished a great deal.  The economy is going great.  Unemployment has fallen by a great deal.  Manufacturing is back.  Average wages have been rising after literally ten years of stagnation.  Minorities are doing better economically than they have ever done before.  The US has ended NAFTA and negotiated a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico which should add greatly to our GDP and the numbers of people employed.  Tremendous progress has been made in reorganizing our trade and relationship with the world's number 2 power, China.  That's something that Obama wouldn't even contemplate let alone try to do.  Veterans who had to wait months under Obama to get the medical care they needed are now able to get that care quickly.  Taxes have been cut for the middle class in a major way.  All sorts of things are better.

Certain problems, however, are still menacing our country.  Illegal immigration and the opioid crisis are two that come to mind immediately.  Something needs to be done.  President Trump has done what he can on his own, but Congress has to act.  We cannot just drift with no resolution as more and more drugs pour over the border.  We cannot sit idly by as swarms of people come from Central America to get welfare and free this or that which all of us have to pay for.  We cannot continue to let violent criminals into our country and then watch them being protected by misguided progressives who are more intent in denying a victory to Trump than in protecting the lives of their fellow Americans.  This needs action.

Health care is also coming to a crisis point.  In a few months, the Supreme Court may well rule that Obamacare is unconstitutional.  If that happens, the whole country's healthcare will be thrown into a tizzy.  Millions will suffer needlessly.  Again, it wouldn't be hard to work on a new and better system than Obamacare, but Washington just won't even try.  We will have to wait for a catastrophe and crisis, and even then it seems that the goal of the Democrats will be to make Trump look bad rather than to help the American people.

For the last two years, we have been treated to a daily dose of BS from the media and the Democrats about the "obvious" collusion between Russian and the Trump campaign.  People like Adam Schiff and other Democrat leaders have told us that there is overwhelming evidence that Trump collusded with Russia.  We were told to wait until the Mueller Report came out and then were would be shocked to see all the evidence the investigation had uncovered.  Well, the Report is here, and THERE WAS NO COLLUSION!  I had hoped that this would mean America could move on to try to solve some of our problems.  It was a vain hope; the Democrats and the media are zeroing in on more investigations and moronic discussion of impeachment of the President.  America doesn't want to hear about this crap anymore.  The American people want to see steps taken to improve their daily lives.  We have the right to expect our elected representatives to try to make those changes.  Sure, there are some political junkies for whom the day to day political fighting is scintillating, but they are a small minority of the people.  Nevertheless, that day to day political nonsense is where the entire left seems to be coming down.

I present this plea to the Democrats and the media:  Please make it all end.  Please help focus our country on ways that can be used to improve the lives of millions.  We don't care what the cacophony of the pundits on CNN sounds like.  We don't care about hearing the endless repetition of instances the Mueller Report said could be discussed as obstruction but which didn't rise to the level of actually being prosecuted as obstruction.  Stop it!

Look, I know that none of the media or the Democrats will care about this.  I get it.  They all live in the bubble and they think that keeping Trump-Russia alive is the most important goal on Earth.  Still, I had to try to tell them what real people actually care about.  They can ignore me and the American people, but they do so at their own peril.  2020 is coming.  When that election gets here, Democrats in Congress who spend their term trying just to bring down the President without doing anything to help the American people will get to call themselves "former congressmen." 

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