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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Here We Go -- And No Lie Is Too Big To Tell

It is now becoming clear that Democrats have decided on the charge of white nationalism to be the party's theme for 2020.  If Democrats don't like you, they will call you a white nationalist and ignore everything else you have to say.  It's like the phony 2012 charge of the War on Women that the Democrats used to attack the GOP.  The only problem is that the Democrats don't seem to be able to master this ploy; indeed, their lies about this subject are getting ridiculous.  Here are two examples:

1.  Anti-Semitic Minnesota Democrat, congressman Ilhan Omar yesterday denounced presidential adviser Steven Miller as a white nationalist.  The problem with that charge, of course, is that Miller is Jewish.  As a rule, it is safe to assume that Jews are not white nationalists since the basic view of the few white nationalists who actually exist is that Jews should be removed from the USA if not killed.  That means that Omar's charge is like calling Donald Trump too sedate or Hillary Clinton too honest.  We all know that it's not true.

2.  There was a hearing in Congress yesterday where one of the witnesses was Candace Owens.  Owens is a young black woman who is a leader of the #Blexit movement, the effort for blacks to exit the Democrat party.  Democrat congressman Ted Lieu played a highly edited bit of video in which Owens appeared to praise Adolph Hitler and support white nationalism.  Owens is fully capable, however, of defending herself.  She proceeded to rip Lieu for playing just part of the quote and leaving out the section in which she makes clear that Hitler was an abhorrent madman.  Owens was actually saying that Hitler was not a nationalist because he attacked his own people.  For Lieu, however, it didn't matter.  He was following the playbook and calling Owens a white nationalist.  But again, this is ridiculous.  Owens is African American.  If white nationalists had their way she would be deported to Africa or put in a camp.  As a rule, blacks do not support white nationalism.  Again, we all know that Lieu's charge is not true.

So, you may wonder, what is the media's response?  Are they reporting on Omar and Lieu's ridiculous charges honestly.  No surprise, the answer is NO.  Time magazine put Omar on the cover this week.  That's right Time (which is to be sure just a pale imitation of what it used to be) is featuring a woman who has made repeated anti-Semitic attacks on American Jews in general and on members of Congress as well.  As part of that feature, Time talks about Omar's "fight" against white nationalism.  The magazine doesn't explain, though, that Omar herself is a hateful bigot.  No, she is a valiant fighter for the rights of the downtrodden according to Time.  The truth has no place in time.

And as to the attack by Lieu on Owens, Yahoo News and the AP reported about the hearing by just stating that Owens has been attacked for praising Hitler.  They don't explain the truth of this attack or quote the actual words.  Nope, Owens, a black woman, is just another white nationalist in the GOP, in the media's eyes.

This attack by the Dems may be sharpened as 2020 approaches. Nevertheless, the clumsy way in which the far left wing of the Democrats is using "white nationalist" as an attack word is likely to may it totally ineffective by the time 2020 gets here.  The first rule of political lying is that the lie should not be something that can easily be shown to be untrue.  Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia was a lie, but it was not something that one could disprove without looking at all the possibilities (like Mueller did.)  Obama could tell America that people could keep their plans and doctors under Obamacare, because it was not easy to show that he was intentionally lying (which he was.)  Calling a Jew and a black woman white nationalists, though, doesn't pass this test.  They're laughable charges that make the Democrats hurling these lies look like the fools they are.

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