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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Nonsense Grows -- AOC Style

Congressman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is back with her fascist attacks on free speech.  This time she's supporting a boycott of the NY Post because it had the nerve to print the front page below responding to Ilhan Omar saying that 9-11 was "some people did something."

New York Post on April 11, 2019, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
The cover of the New York Post from April 11, 2019, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. (Photos: no credit; MediaPunch /IPX via AP)

When President Trump calls out the media for printing Fake News, people like AOC go berserk.  Trump is attack freedom of the press and free speech, they tell us.  President Trump, however, is taking issue with the truth of what is printed in places like the NY Times or broadcast on the all Fake News network, CNN.  He is following the long time American prescription for inappropriate speech which is more speech.  Trump is calling these outlets out for printing phony news.  AOC, however, is not attacking the NY Post by explaining why a cover that quotes Omar and shows 9-11 pictures is wrong (it isn't) or bad (it isn't) or inappropriate (it isn't).  Nope, in typical totalitarian manner (you pick fascist or Communist), AOC is supporting a boycott to try to destroy the press opposition.

This is much like most of the far left crazies who can't take criticism or respond to opposition with arguments.  They know that they have next to nothing to say, so they just try to intimidate their opposition.

Meanwhile, there was another example of this trend at the University of Pennsylvania this week.  Candace Owens came to speak and she was confronted by an angry mob of Antifa thugs and some others who tried to prevent her from being able to give her presentation.  She was denounced as a racist and a white supremacist.  Owens, of course, is a black woman who supports the #Blexit movement.  That's the push for blacks to leave the Democrat party.  If a group of right wing thugs did exactly the same thing to a black woman who was pushing for people to support the Democrats, the media would have covered it as a major outbreak of racism and white supremacism, not to mention sexism.  The attack on Owens got next to no coverage on the national mainstream media.  Antifa was allowed to use the phony guise of fighting fascism to play the thought police of Philadelphia.  At least Owens got to give her presentation despite the disgusting display by Antifa of trying to stamp out free speech.


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