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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Another Day in Pandemic Land

 A few weeks ago, I went to the local UPS Store to ship a package to Texas.  I went for my daughter who was stuck at home.  It made me feel like Larry David.

I went into the UPS store.  It was completely empty except for two employees at a counter in the rear of the place.  I was wearing a mask as required by the big sign on the front door.

I walked back to the counter and the young woman who was there said, "you came down the wrong aisle."

"what?" I replied.

She repeated "You came down the wrong aisle."

I realized that there were two different aisles to get to that counter and I apparently went in the "exit" aisle.  Since there was no one else there, it was not a big deal, so I handed her the package I was shipping.

She gave it back and said, "you'll have to go back to the front and come up the correct aisle."

I responded by saying, "you're kidding, right?"

She made clear she wasn't kidding, so I went back to the front of the store and came back using the "correct" aisle.

She took the package.

She then said, "what's the address?"  I responded that it was written on the label on the package.

She said, "no, what's your address?"

I said that I was shipping the package for my daughter, so I would give her that address.

This news confused her.  She told me to wait and went to confer with the other employee to see if she could take my daughter's address instead of mine.

She came back and told me that it would be ok to use my daughter's address.  What a relief!

I told her my daughter lived on Jefferson parkway.

Her response was "how do you spell that?"  She didn't know how to spell Jefferson.

I said just like Thomas Jefferson, but that only got a confused look.  So I said J E F F E R S O N P A R K W A Y.

She looked annoyed and told me that she could spell parkway.

I couldn't resist, so I said, "congratulations."

Then she asked me for my phone number

I said, "I'll give you my daughter's number."

She looked at the other employee, and he nodded.  She took the number.

We finished up the information and I paid for the shipping.

Then I turned to leave.  I went out the wrong aisle -- on purpose.  She yelled at me, "You're going the wrong way."

I said, "it all depends on your point of view."  And then I left.

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