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Monday, August 3, 2020

Chaos and General Disorder

In many places across America, riots, vandalism and looting in the name of some cause have become a common occurrence.  That's crazy in my view.  If George Floyd is killed in Minneapolis, there is no reason to have a mob loot stores in cities 1000 miles away from Minnesota.  Nor is there any reason for mobs to terrorize a city for two months with no end in sight as has happened in Portland Oregon.  Particularly disappointing is the response from the local governments (all Democrats) who choose to pull law enforcement back and to allow the riots and vandalism and even murder play itself out.

America is based upon the rule of law.  The laws are passed by the people's representatives and everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE) is supposed to be governed by those laws.  No one (like say the Clintons) is supposed to be above the law.  No one (like say Black Lives Matters) is supposed to get a free pass to break the law.  There can be stronger or weaker enforcement of the law, but there cannot be wholesale abdication by the government of enforcement of basic laws that provide safety for individuals and their property.  It is not acceptable for a mob to destroy property and entire businesses because they don't like something unrelated that happened 2000 miles away.  Indeed, it would have been unacceptable for a mob to riot in Minneapolis on the night that George Floyd died.  Destroying and looting stores is never justified, no matter what the cause.

What I have said above should not be controversial, but apparently it is.  In city after city, Democrat mayors have chosen not to allow the police to enforce the law.  Rioters are not being arrested or stopped in many places.  Attempts by federal forces to get the rioters away from federal property are still being denounced by local mayors.  Basically, the local Democrat mayors are supporting mobs destroying their cities.

Then there's the refusal of Democrats in Washington to even admit that there are riots around the country.  We've all heard Congressman Jerry Nadler, the Democrat buffoon from New York, tell a reporter that the riots were a "myth".  Other Democrats just call them peaceful protests, as if looting, vandalism, arson and even murder and mayhem are now "peaceful".  These people know the truth; they are not delusional.  They are just lying for political purposes.  It sucks.

On top of all of this, we have silent Joe Biden.  Where is he?  Why has he said nothing to denounce the rioting?  Maybe in his basement in Delaware he hasn't heard about what is going on across the nation.  Given his advanced dementia, that is a possibility, however slight.  More likely, however, Biden doesn't have the courage to speak out for what is right when all these Democrat mayors are just running away from the truth.  Biden only cares about winning the election.  He doesn't care about what is right or about protecting all the innocent American citizens whose lives have been destroyed by these mobs.

The vote in November should be very easy for anyone who cares about the future of our country.  Voting for Biden is just not possible.  Whether or not one votes for Trump, there is no way that one should vote for senile Joe who just ignores rioting, arson, looting and murder.  The basic role of the government is to protect individual citizens and to enforce (gasp) the law.  ENFORCE THE LAW.  Biden just won't do it.

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