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Friday, August 14, 2020

Lights Out - or - Hiding From The Truth

 Every years since 2002, New York City has honored the memory of those killed on 9-11 by shining spotlights straight up from ground zero on the evening of September 11th.  These beacons emulated the appearance of the old World Trade Center and reminded New York of the terrible loss suffered on that horrible day.  This year, however, there will be no lights.  Mayor DeBlasio has cancelled the lights that honor the memory of those who died and those who helped because of "concerns about the virus".

It's hard to imagine a less honest statement coming from DeBlasio, and that is truly saying a lot.  DeBlasio is certainly no slave to the truth, but saying that lights shining into the night sky raises concerns about COVID 19 is an all time whopper of a lie.  It's shining lights into the sky that are visible from most of the city.  There is no crowd, and no opportunity to transmit the virus.  It's just a very moving and very socially distanced tribute to the memory of people no longer here (who, by the way, are immune to infection by the virus.)

So why would DeBlasio cancel the lights?  It's not the virus, so what is it?  Here's where we have to move into reasonable speculation.  And here's where the answer is most disturbing.  If you think about it, those lights honor two distinct groups of people:  first, those who died on 9-11 in the attack by Islamic terrorists, and second, those police and firemen who rushed to the WTC to heroically help the victims.  That many police and firefighters fit into both categories is also not to be forgotten.  Hundreds of police died in that disaster while they tried to save others.  DeBlasio doesn't want to honor these heroes.  He can't stomach the idea of honoring what these police and firefighters did, their brave acts, their incredible sacrifices, all just to try to save others.  In New York City right now, DeBlasio and his ilk see the police as the enemy, so there can't be a ceremony honoring them.  So DeBlasio trots out this totally lame and obviously false explanation that "virus concerns" require cancellation of the lights.

It's disgusting that these heroes are being so disrespected by this buffoon.  Thank God that DeBlasio will be out of office in little over a year.  Hopefully, New Yorkers will replace him with a mayor who is not lost in far left fantasies and who actually cares about the city.

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