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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Kim Jung Un Has Died Again

 In the first year of Saturday Night Live, there was a continuing gag that the show had on its Weekend Update.  The gag was about the Generalisimo Francisco Franco, the dictator who ruled Spain from the late 1930s until his death in 1975.  Each week the Weekend Update anchor would report that Franco was still dead.  Like many SNL gags, it wasn't really very funny, but they ran with it for an entire season.

Today, we have the equivalent with reports in certain papers that Kim Jung Un has died or, at least, is in a coma.  This is not the first time this year that Kim's death has been reported.  All the previous reports were wrong.  There's no way to know yet if this latest news is correct or not.

It would be nice if the death of Kim would lead to the overthrow of the North Korean regime, but that is probably too much to hope for.  Right now, absent regime change, Kim's sister is his likely replacement.  Who knows?  Maybe she's not crazy like Kim. 

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