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Friday, August 21, 2020

Wow, Gaffe Free

 Did you watch Joe Biden give his speech last night?  Were you impressed?  He didn't make any big mistakes.  He didn't fall down from exhaustion.  He seemed alert.  To many, that was a "victory", and given the last five months of Biden hiding in his basement, it's not surprising that they think that.

Now for the first real question:  did Biden make you think he could be president?  I sure didn't think so.  I kept waiting for Biden to tell us what he would do if he got the office.  I don't mean generalities or old chestmuts like he would build infrastructure.  We hear the infrastructure rant every four years.  Remember when Obama-Biden told us about all those shovel ready jobs that they were going to build?  They talked about it, but all we got was nothing.  Trump talks about infrastructure too and proposed a plan to do it, but Pelosi and House Democrats weren't interested.  Trump got projects like stalled pipelines built because he didn't need help from the Dems, but there remains much to do.  Anyway, back to Biden, I also don't mean generalities like being tough on China.  Biden actually said he would be tough on Beijing.  This is the guy who earlier THIS YEAR said China was even a competitor of the USA.  This is a guy who gave the Chinese everything they wanted -- including millions of American jobs -- when he ran part of the Obama foreign policy regarding China.  This is NOT the guy who is going to be tough on China.

So again, what would Biden do as president?  Would he follow the moves outlined in the Democrats' platform?  Would he end oil and gas drilling in the USA like the platform says?  He said he would again THIS YEAR even though it would cost millions more American jobs.  Would Biden give free medical care to all illegal aliens like the platform says?  American citizens have to pay huge amounts for health insurance, but illegals will get it for free?  Will Biden increase taxes by four billion dollars like the platform says (even though the amount will likely be higher)?  He has said many times that he will do just that, and a tax hike of that magnitude will deliver a huge blow to an economy that is still recovering from the virus shutdown.  We would have a "recovery" like Obama's where everything stagnated for eight years with particularly the middle class and the poor doing worse while only the wealthy prospered.

Biden didn't really tell us what he would do.  He didn't have any real goal for the nation except that he wouldn't be Trump.  That's not enough.  That's not even close to enough.

Hopefully, Biden is not about to go back into the bunker.  Maybe now he will use the next ten weeks to make an actual case for his being president.  I doubt it, but hey, you never know.

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