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Saturday, August 1, 2020

I had Forgotten

I just spent two months in Colorado away from most of the news.  During that time, I had forgotten just how bad the level of dishonesty is when it comes to the Democrats and the media.  This morning I got a harsh reminder.  It came from CBS News and Nancy Pelosi.  The story ran on CBS about the expiration of the pandemic relief through the extra $600 per week in unemployment benefits and how there is to be a meeting this morning in Washington to try again to come up with a new plan to help those in need.  CBS ran a clip of President Trump saying that the Democrats were playing politics rather than coming to the table to negotiate.  Nancy Pelosi was then quoted in response saying that Democrats wanted to help those in need while the Republicans just wanted to give tax cuts to the richest Americans so they were standing their ground, not playing politics.

Let's stop here for a moment.  It's important to know that none of the proposals put forth by the Republicans include tax cuts for the wealthy.  That's NONE.  There has been discussion of giving all Americans a payroll tax cut; it would reduce the amount taken out of paychecks for Social Security and Medicare, but that is hardly directed at the wealthy, and that proposal is not one that the Republicans are pushing at the moment.  In other words, what Pelosi is quoted as saying is completely untrue.  There is no argument that can be used to make it true.

So when I heard CBS broadcast Pelosi's lie, I foolishly waited for the reporter to point out that what she had said was completely untrue.  Of course, CBS just left the lie sitting there.  Someone who hadn't followed the negotiations in DC would have no way of knowing that Pelosi was lying and CBS was complicit in pushing that lie.

These people are the dregs of society.  

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