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Friday, August 28, 2020

Meanwhile, In The Bunker In Delaware........

 Two days ago, Joe Biden left his bunker and went for another bike ride.  The bad news is that while on the bike, he saw his shadow and that means another six weeks of hiding in the basement for Old Joe.

But Biden can't really hide.  He kind of , sort of spoke out against the ongoing riots in places like Kenosha and Portland and Minneapolis.  He said "violence isn't the answer", but he didn't condemn the rioters.  Indeed, he has said repeatedly that he stands with them in their cause.  I keep waiting to see Joe drive up in a big limo to a Best Buy so that he can go in a loot a 56 inch TV.  (He would, no doubt, need Jill to come along so that someone could actually lift the TV.)

In any event, after the non-condemnation, Joe disappeared back into the bunker again.  It's worth noting, though, that just a few miles from Biden in Newark, Delaware, there was a major hate crime.  A Jewish campus center at the University of Delaware was burned down.  It was arson.  Fortunately, no one was hurt, but the message of the attack was clear.  It's about the same message as the one given by the Black Lives Matter rioters in Kenosha who attacked a local synagogue and, to a lesser extent, a local Catholic church.  Biden, however, ignored this blatant act of anti-Semitism.   After all, he can't criticize the rioters -- excuse me the "peaceful protesters" who he actually called "the best of us" ten days ago (before the polling told him that he had to say something against them.)

Joe's silence isn't accidental.  It tells you who he truly is and what he truly thinks (assuming he can remember what he actually thinks).  

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