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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Using People as Pawns

It's strange to watch.  In the negotiations over a new package of aid for people affected by corona virus, there's agreement on extending the $600 per week unemployment supplement that expired yesterday.  President Trump came out for the extension a few days ago on Twitter.  The Democrats have said they favor it.  Republicans in Congress have grumbled about giving people an incentive not to work, but most would vote for it anyway since Trump supports it.  The White House's negotiator Treasury Secretary Mnuchin proposed a short term extension so that the benefits to millions would not get cut off while the rest of the package was negotiated.  That should be a no brainer, right?  It's helping millions of people on an issue on which there is agreement.  But no, Pelosi and Schumer said NO, NO, NO, NO.  They want to use the pain of millions of Americans whose benefits have been cut off to get their way on everything else.  They don't care about that pain.  They only care about getting things like federal money for states to pay for voting by mail (which they can then use to "fix" the election.)

It's disgusting to see the Democrats inflicting unnecessary pain on millions of out of work Americans just for their own political purposes.  I used to believe that both parties were working for what was best for the country, but that they had different views how to achieve that.  I was wrong.  I still think that is the goal of Republicans.  For Democrats, though, the goal seems only to be personal power.  They don't give a rat's ass about what actually happens to the average American.  This proves it.

Even worse, the media just lets this slide by without much comment.  There should be outrage, but there isn't.  They do the Democrats' bidding.  Actually, they are the Democrats.  It's disgusting.

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