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Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Democrat Convention

 The coming week brings the Democrat Convention.  All sorts of speeches from a large group of Democrats will be broadcast to the nation.  If you are one of the four people who will be foolish enough to listen to them, pay attention to one very important question:  are they offering any sound solutions to the nation's problems?  You can ignore all the attacks on Trump and the Republicans.  Let me summarize those for you:  "Trump bad; Republicans bad."  We need to select leadership based upon the future.  Which party has better plans to improve the economy?  Which party has better plans to deal with the virus?  Which party has better plans to keep America safe?  Answer those three questions and your choice is easy.  If you want one more question to ask, how about this one:  which nominee still has his mental capabilities so that he is capable of forming complete and coherent sentences (not exactly the hardest criteria to meet.)

And if you insist on looking at the past then ask yourself these:

1.  Which nominee has a history of racism?  (Answer Biden)

2.  Which nominee pushed through a change to the criminal law that resulted in the incarceration of huge numbers of African Americans?  (Answer Biden)

3.  Which nominee got his son a huge payoff from Ukraine and China by using his government position?  (Answer Biden)

4.  Which nominee endorses the end of the US oil and gas industry?  (Biden)

5.  Which nominee has been credibly accused of rape?  (Biden)

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