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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Democrat Comments On the Attacks on People Leaving The White House

 All summer long, there have been riots in American cities.  Portland riots have had the longest run.  Seattle and Minneapolis have gone on and on as well.  Riots in other places have been sporadic.  The commentary from the Democrats (and most of the media) has been non-existent.  Somewhere among the Democrat hierarchy a decision was made to try to ignore the violence, arson, looting and even attempted murder.  These riots were to be called "peaceful protests" even though calling destruction of buildings and cars peaceful is like calling a temperature of 105 degrees cold.  The Democrats and the media, in essence, told their followers what the talking point was regarding the riots: ignore them and say they really don't exist.  

Sadly, the intentional lying about the true nature of what was happening just went on and on.  At the Democrats' convention last week, not one word was said on the subject.  It's amazing to think that the biggest domestic problem in the country right now after the virus was not mentioned despite twelve hours of Democrat politicians talking to the nation.  We didn't even get one "I feel your pain" from any of the speakers.

The Democrats also went further into fantasy land.  The peaceful protests (which existed only in their minds) were all about the "systemic racism" and "evil" of this country.  People looting stores actually has nothing to do with racism or any political position.  Looting is theft.  It is not income redistribution.  It is not socialism.  It is not anything but looting.  But that didn't matter.

In the last two days, the Democrats finally realized that their strategy wasn't working.  Internal poll numbers have shown the Dems that America was revolted by their dishonest non-response to the riots.  Some Dems took halting steps towards opposing the riots.  Biden and Harris said that while the protesters were still the "best of us", violence is not the answer.  Biden then went back into the bunker and Harris gave one of her cackling laughs.  No one was fooled.

As if there wasn't already enough proof that the Dems didn't care one bit about the violence, we got the Dems' non-reaction to what happened in DC after the President's acceptance speech.  There were many people at the White House to attend President Trump's speech.  As some of them left, they were attacked by "protesters".  It turned out that the "protesters" were actually not DC residents but they were people bused into DC for the express purpose of harassing those who attended Trump's speech.  It is not yet clear who paid to bring in these thugs, so I won't speculate.  We do know, though, that people like KY senator Rand Paul and his wife were attacked by a mob.  There were a few police around who tried to protect the senator and his wife.  Fortunately, they were not injured, but they were made to fear for their lives.  Another small group of people who lead the #Walkaway effort (for people to walk away from the Democrats and join the Republicans) were set on by more thugs (or should I call them violent protesters).  The leader of this group is gay.  The "progressive" protesters were so "woke" that they threatened these folks with physical violence and called them "faggots" and other anti-gay slurs.  (Just imagine the reaction if people in MAGA hats had done that to a Democrat gay leader.)  After one of the victims started filming the event on his phone, one of the thugs came up and smashed the phone.

The Democrats' response to these and many other attacks on people leaving the White House has been thunderous silence.  Not a word has been said.  Oh, we all remember how Democrat Maxine Waters told people that they should all do exactly what the thugs did.  Maxine told people to attack Republicans if they were seen in public.  But even one word spoken against attacks on a U.S. senator?--NOPE,

Remember it was only three days ago when Nancy Pelosi labelled Republicans as enemies of the people.  She encouraged these kinds of attacks.  Indeed, for all we know, she financed these attacks.  

There is no way that the Democrats or their figure head doddering Joe Biden could ever lead this nation when they spend their time encouraging one part of the country to attack another part.

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