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Sunday, August 2, 2020

It Makes Stop And Frisk Look Good

New York City has had 777 people shot so far this year according to the NY Post.   In all of 2019 there were only 776 shootings.  Think about that.  Why the change?  Why were there more shootings in seven months of 2020 than in the entire 12 months of the prior year?

The answer is pretty clear.  In 2020, we had the city shut down tight for at least four of the seven months that have passed.  That kept a great many people off the streets and at home.  That should have REDUCED the number of shootings in robberies/muggings/other crimes.  It probably increased shootings in domestic violence (but that is just a small portion of the total shootings.)  Logically the shootings for 2020 should be less than 2019.  But there's one other big difference.  The old Stop and Frisk law has receded into the past.  Thugs and hoodlums know that if they are carrying a weapon, the police will do nothing that would likely catch them in the act.  Add to that all the attacks on police by morons like NYC mayor DeBlasio and the police are really less likely to act to prevent gun crime.  As a result, the criminals are armed and dangerous.  That means MORE shootings.  Indeed, that means shootings have almost doubled in one year.

Remember also that NYC has perhaps the strictest gun control laws in the country.  Between the city and state, there are countless laws designed to make it harder to buy weapons or to keep them in the city.  That has meant that law abiding citizens are unarmed.  The criminals don't care, though.  They just go about their "business"  shooting and killing the now unarmed victims.

The next time some crusading leftist tells you about the need for gun control, point out to them that in New York City, the strictest gun laws in the country have resulted in the number of people getting shot doubling in one year.

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