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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Violence and more Violence

 There was another big riot in Portland yesterday.  It took place down by the government buildings and resulted in federal officers clearing the crowd away from those buildings.  The Portland police (controlled by the local Democrat mayor) did little to stop the melee.  They made no arrests even though this was a major brawl.

Joe Biden immediately issued a statement denouncing violence and calling upon Americans to act in a civil fashion towards each other and to settle differences through discussion and debate rather than through violence ....oh wait!  Biden did no such thing.

For the 83rd day in a row, Biden remained silent as riots, looting, arson and assault (not to mention sporadic killing) hit one or more major cities governed -- in each case -- by Democrats.  The man who wants to be our leader has not bothered even once to condemn the violence.

Let's be clear:  it's not that Biden agrees with the supposed goals of the rioters, looters and other thugs.  He could agree with those goals but denounce the rioters method of using violence, theft, arson and intimidation to get what they want, but he hasn't.  This past week the Democrats held their convention and broadcast twelve hours of prime time speeches and videos.  In all that speechifying, not a single speaker mentioned these riots.  Think about that; not only was Biden silent about the riots, so was every single speaker from Kamala Harris to the convicted murderer/rapist (who spoke about prisoners' rights).

This is totally unacceptable.  Our country is under assault by violent groups that claim the mantle of "fighting racism" or "fighting fascism" while they destroy businesses and lives and steal billions of dollars of goods.  This is the sort of behavior that brings on a tremendous backlash from the rest of us.

This past week local black leaders in Portland condemned the riots and the appropriation by the rioters of the Black Lives Matter slogan.  These local African American community leaders denounce the rioters as doing great harm to their community.  The leaders called for calm and an end to violence.  It couldn't have been easy for these community leaders to stand up and denounce people who purport to be seeking to end racism.  But the community leaders understand something that Biden and his fellow Democrats seem to miss:  violence to push a political view is unAmerican; it is counter-productive; it is just wrong.

Yesterday, Biden announced that he would shut down the country again if "scientists" told him to do so.  That would destroy our economy.  Biden's silence on the continuing violence in these riots shows that he would shut down law enforcement if strident leftists told him to do so (because the is clearly what he is already doing by remaining silent.) So Biden gets us no economy and no law enforcement.

Years ago Biden said he opposed the integration of America's schools because adding black students to white schools would turn those schools into "racial jungles" -- Biden's words, not mine.  It's pretty clear that putting Biden into the White House would turn America into a poverty stricken lawless jungle.

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