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Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Whine Tour of the USA

 The remnants of the Democrat convention is coming next week.  It's going to be a conglomeration of anger, complaint, hectoring and condescension, the hallmarks of the Democrat party in recent years.

Just consider for a moment thee simple questions:  when was the last time you heard a Democrat celebrate what is good about America?  When did you last hear a Democrat extol the virtue of the American people or proclaim the USA a success?

In the Democrats' collective view, America is an evil place filled with racism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and essentially every sort of bigotry possible.  Police are all evil and some deserve to die.  The military is an instrument of the fascist regime now in control in Washington.  The corporations that have been so successful are oppressors of the group of victims of the moment.  White people are all given an unfair advantage with white men being especially evil.  America is destroying the world's environment with pollution (even though China is, by far, the biggest polluter on the globe.)  Indeed, the left wants to rewrite history so that all past achievements by this country are denigrated and ignored with the focus placed only on the existence of slavery at the beginning of the Republic.  The end goal of the Democrats is to "transform" the country, which means they want to destroy the USA as it currently exists and turn it into a people's republic like China, Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea.

This may sound like an extreme version of the Democrats' guiding principles, but if you think about it, you will realize just how accurate it truly is.

When the Founding Fathers met in Philadelphia in 1776 and declared not only that the colonies were independent but that rights were given to individuals by their Creator and did not come by leave of the government, that all men were created equal, that all men were entitled to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", the Democrats see this as acts by sexist men who gave no rights to women and racist acts by a group that included slave owners.  An action which was a massive step forward in the evolution of modern democracy and freedom for the individual is evil in their view because it didn't fall in line with the thinking of 250 years later.  That's like condemning the discovery of the cure for polio or smallpox because those vaccines didn't prevent cancer.

When the nation fought a deadly civil war to end slavery, the Democrats see that as deficient because after the war the former slaves weren't treated as well as the Democrats would now like to have seen.

When twelve million people joined the US armed forces during World War II to defeat the Nazis and the Japanese imperialists, that was to be condemned because the armed forces were segregated at the time.

When -prior to the virus - the economy grew at a much more rapid pace under Trump than it ever did under Obama and reached the lowest level of unemployment for blacks and Hispanics in history, it was no good because some people were richer than others and there were still some people who were unemployed.

America is the most successful nation in the history of the world.  The American system has raised hundreds of millions of people out of the poverty that was the normal state of the world prior to the existence of this country.  The American system has led to advancements in science, medicine and all manner of other things that have provided major improvements to literally billions of people.  But to the Democrats, America needs to be destroyed because it is "evil".

So when the speeches start from the Dems next week, just remember their true world view.  Remember what they want for this country and what their success would mean for you and your family.  No matter how they try to hide their true beliefs, remember what they have done for the last four years.  Remember that when Hillary Clinton described those who wanted to make America great, she called them "unredeemable" and "deplorable".   Remember that Barack Obama called the same people "bitter clingers".  Just think how many times the Democrats have denounced ALL police officers as evil because of the improper acts by one man in Minneapolis.  Think of how the Democrats denounced federal marshals doing their job and protecting the courthouse in Portland as "secret police", fascists, nazis, and worse.  Think how Democrats tried to take down the President with a bogus Russia hoax which they knew after a few months was totally phony.  Think how the Democrats have tried to block everything that Trump has wanted to do, no matter whether or not it would help the American people.  Just look at the last week when Democrats wouldn't agree to a short extension of increased unemployment benefits at the level the Democrats themselves wanted because that might give Trump a win; hurting Trump was more important than helping millions of Americans in need.

Remember all this, and be sure to remember it when you vote in November as well.  The Democrats do not deserve to govern.  In fact, they do not deserve to have any power at all.

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