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Thursday, October 10, 2013

It Doesn't Change Anything

Six hours ago, I posted about the refusal of president Obama to sign a bill funding death benefits for American troops killed in Afghanistan.  First, the Obama administration interpreted a law passed at the start of the partial government shutdown last week which was intended, among other things, to cover the cost of the death benefits, so that no such benefits were paid.  In other words, Obama and his people used the families of dead heroes as pawns in a political battle rather than honoring and consoling them for their loss.  When the House and the Senate both unanimously passed a second bill that expressly funded the death benefits, Obama had his press spokesman announce that there was no need to sign the bill since it was "unnecessary" and a "gimmick".  It was a remarkable display of just how clueless Obama really is.

Well, since those remarks were made, there was a firestorm of outrage directed at the president.  Not surprisingly, Obama reconsidered his opposition and signed the bill into law tonight.

It does not change anything.  Obama still tried to inflict pain on the families of fallen heroes for his own political gain.  His conduct was and is disgraceful.  It ought not be forgotten.

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