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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Should We Become China?

In China, the government still enforces a one child rule.  For those who do not know, that rule limits couples to having just one child.  The effect of the rule has been to produce a generation which has many more boys than girls; abortion for sex selection is commonplace across China.  The rule has also reduced population growth to such an extent that China will soon be replaced by India as the world's most populous country.  So, is that a good thing?

The answer from the left is that it is "wonderful".  Only this morning, CNN published an article by a self-proclaimed environmentalist who announces that the way to stop global warming is to limit population growth.  (The article is so silly that I am not even going to link to it; no need to spread the nonsense.) 

Two hundred years ago Thomas Malthus theorized that growing population would use up Earth's resources and outstrip its ability to produce food.  The future was to be a famine-ridden and impoverished existence for humanity.  The only solution seen by Malthus was to reduce the number of people. 

One hundred years ago, social Darwinists like Margaret Sanger and her organization Planned Parenthood adopted a similar view.  Earth's resources were too limited to allow "lower quality" humans to reproduce and crowd out the resources available to "higher quality" humans.  For Sanger and Planned Parenthood, this meant for the most part that they tried to promote birth control and abortion for African Americans, the people that they deemed "lower quality".  This outlook was carried even further by the Nazis who not only tried to limit reproduction by so called "untermenschen" but added concentration camps to kill that group.

Fifty years ago, American "theorists" again told the world how a growing population would outstrip the food production across the Earth and we would see a future of limited resources and starvation.  This time, the meme was adopted by the left.  They wanted government intervention into people's lives to prevent higher population growth. 

Despite all this, food production has grown at a much faster rate than population.  The rate of hunger around the world has fallen, not risen, even as the world population has grown.  Resources have also expanded.  For much of the last thirty years, the American left has told us that the USA was quickly running out of oil and gas; we had to move to renewable energy or we would soon have no energy left to power our society.  Today, thanks to new technologies, the USA has increased energy production to such an extent that we are once again the greatest producer in the world.

The past, however, has not dissuaded the left from trying to have the government control human reproduction.  Now, the new reason is global warming.  Really, global warming!  For the last 17 years, there has been no significant change in the temperature of Earth's atmosphere, but the left is still talking about global warming.  Actual data now shows that the computer models that predicted rising temperatures due to carbon dioxide being emitted into the atmosphere are wrong.  There is now no valid scientific basis for expecting a large increase in global temperatures.  All that is left are political movements which are desperately clinging to their bumper stickers and Birkenstocks.

The only answer to this nonsense is the truth.  Those true believers on the left will not listen to the truth, but the vast bulk of Americans will.  Spread the truth.


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