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Friday, April 24, 2015

Is Hillary Compromised Beyond Repair?

Remember that 3 a.m. phone call that was such a big topic of conversation in the 2008 campaign.  Hillary Clinton claimed that she was the one who should get the call because of her superior experience.  After six years of Obama, it is clear that Hillary would have been a better choice back then, but how about now?  Could Hillary handle a national crisis?

Picture this:  the new president Hillary Clinton gets a call from the Pentagon that our satellites have picked up a massive Russian army moving towards Estonia, a member of NATO.  The CIA predicts a Russian invasion of our ally within three days.  Hillary calls Vladimir Putin to attempt to thwart the invasion through some sort of diplomacy.  Putin listens to Hillary and then tells her that Russia expects that the USA will not take any action to help Estonia.  Putin explains to Hillary that his government has copies of all those emails which she deleted from her server, that his government also has tape of the meetings at the Clinton home regarding the eventual Russian takeover of 50% of America's uranium mines, and that he has other information which he will release to American media so as to destroy Mrs. Clinton's political position if America takes any part in opposition to Russia in Estonia.  What happens at that point?

Look, I don't know if Putin has this sort of information.  Guess what!  Hillary won't know that either.  Would America really want to have a leader who could be blackmailed by a thug like Putin?  Nope.  But that is what we would get with Mrs. Clinton.  She is just too compromised at this point to ever be an effective president.


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