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Monday, November 23, 2015

A To Do List For The USA

It never fails to amaze me just how quickly the media likes to point out things that can't be done.  The current target for such opinions is telling us all the things that the USA just can't do with regard to ISIS and Syria and the Middle East.  For example, I just read a column on Yahoo News explaining why there is no will or even time to pass a bill to stop the flow of inadequately checked Syrian refugees in the USA.  The woman who wrote the column should have just called it "Wishful Thinking".

The truth is that rather than listing things that we cannot do, it's time to start considering things that absolutely can get done.  Here's a short version of that list:

1.  The Senate needs to take up and pass the House bill that will require better vetting of any Syrian refugees who are admitted to the country.  If a person can't be checked, then that person can't be admitted.  Despite all the moralistic posturing in the media, this is not a question of racism or bigotry.  The issue is a simple one:  should America admit people who may be terrorists looking to undertake attacks here?  In other words, if we cannot check out the person, is it wise to admit that person?  The proper answer is clearly NO!

2.  Congress also needs to review the visa waiver program that allows citizens of certain countries to enter the USA without much review.  That system means that if a European country like Belgium lets people thought to be ISIS sympathizers to travel abroad, America may have agreed to give those people easy access to our country.  The Democrats have tried to make this issue one that replaces the refugee question listed as #1 above.  Nope.  Both issues need ACTION.

3.  Congress needs to force the administration to arm the Kurds so that they can fight ISIS.  The obstinacy of Obama in refusing to give weapons to our allies the Kurds is bizarre.  No matter how perverted an understanding Obama has of ISIS, he cannot think that it is a bad idea to arm our allies in the fight.

Those are just three things that Congress can and should do promptly.



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