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Sunday, November 15, 2015

What Does It Take To Break Through?

There's a Russian plane blown out of the sky by ISIS over Egypt with more than 200 dead.  There's a series of terrible attacks in Paris by ISIS with more than 100 innocent civilians killed.  Then there's a debate among the Democrat candidates for president on CBS and the candidates actually debate whether or not they can say that we are at war with radical Islam.  Hillary Clinton still wants to call the terrorists violent extremists.  Bernie Sanders doesn't want to talk about foreign policy at all.  And Martin O'Malley, -- oh who cares what he has to say.  The point is that even after the huge loss of life in the last few weeks to the radical Islamic ISIS, the Democrats won't even agree to say who the enemy is.

Our country is facing a crisis.  So far the dead are mostly Russian or French, but you can be certain that ISIS will be coming here soon.  Hillary is worried about what to call them, not how to stop them.  Obama is worried only about getting out of office before the attack comes.  None of the Democrats want to do anything to protect Americans from harm.

Will Obama actually seal our borders?  Nope.  He says ISIS is "contained".  In fact within hours of his making that claim, ISIS launched the coordinated attacks across Paris and killed all those people.  I guess ISIS is "contained" the way the economy is "recovering" or the way Hillary's email system was "secure" or Obamacare has been "successful".  It's time America wakes up.  We need leaders, not BS artists.


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