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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Let's See What They Do Now

In California, a man attacked and stabbed five people apparently at random at the University of California at Merced.  Police shot and killed the attacker.  It is a horrible crime and the police acted properly in shooting the attacker.

This act, however, got me to thinking what secretary of state John Kerry will have to say about it.  If he follows his usual practice, Kerry will call upon the police to display restraint.  He will also call for anyone supporting the attacker to do the same.  That may sound odd; no, it is odd.  The police do their job and stop a murderous attack by shooting the perpetrator.  No one in his right mind would then call upon the police to use restraint.  Are the police supposed to wait until more people get stabbed?  Of course not.  But as crazy as this all sounds, it is exactly what Kerry has done repeatedly as Palestinian attackers have stabbed Israelis at random only to have the attacks ended by gunfire from the police.  Kerry calls upon the Israeli police to show restraint. 

How do we end up with such fools in high office?


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