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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Well, That's Settled!

There's a poll out today in which the following question was asked of American voters:

Is the scientific debate about global warming over?

By a margin of 63% to 24%, the voters said NO!  (13% were undecided.)  That means that after decades of being told by the environmental left that this is "settle science", the American voters do not believe that.  Instead, the voters understand that science is never "settled".  Things that we think we know can change as the data changes.  Having every one of the models that predicted global warming turn out to be unable to predict the last twenty years goes a long way towards convincing the country that the debate is far from over.

This result is not just important in showing that the propaganda has not worked.  It is also important for the various campaigns of the presidential candidates.  When Hillary comes out against the Keystone pipeline because of global warming concerns, two thirds of voters think those concerns are just conjecture.  Indeed, for a GOP candidate to take the position that more study is needed as to the cause of any climate change that may be occurring may well be the smartest position possible.  First, it's factually correct.  Second, despite the inevitable hissy fit that the environmental hysterics will surely throw, the bulk of the voters agree with it. 

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