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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Is Earth Heading For a Mini Ice Age?

According to research just announced by a team of Russian scientists, our world will experience a mini Ice Age between 2030 and 2040 as a result of the lessening of solar activity.  This would be a repeat of conditions that last occurred about 400 years ago.  The Russian team posits that certain solar activity cycles will line up in such a way during that decade that temperatures on Earth will decline significantly.

Think about this.  If it is correct, then all that you have heard about global warming and climate change is wrong.  Humans will not affect the climate on the planet; the effect of the solar minimum activity will be hundreds or thousands of times stronger than anything that mankind has done.  Indeed, none of the schemes to fight climate change will make any difference.

So is this "settled science"?  Nope.  Is it as valid as the global warming models on which the whole climate change debate is based.  Actually the Russians' theory is more valid since it does explain past climate on Earth while the global warming computer models don't explain past or present conditions.

A rational response to this news would be for someone like NASA or the scientific community to review the data very carefully so as to decide if the Russians have indeed discovered something which will be very important.  If this theory is determined to be valid, then we on Earth have 15 years to prepare for the coming mini-Ice Age.  Just as in the Biblical story of Joseph, it may be time for us to stockpile large amounts of food, production of which will surely be hampered by lower temperatures.  But, of course, that would require a "rational response".  With president Obama in charge, we will have an ideological response.  If Obama pays any attention to this or reduces his push to gain more control over the economy in the name of fighting Global Warming, it will probably be only to somehow blame Republicans for the coming cold.


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