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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Elections Today

It's strange to watch history repeat itself.  For the last five years, Democrats around the country have lost more and more elections to Republicans.  In each election cycle during that time, the pre-election polls and coverage have seemed consistently to underestimate Republican success.  Not every election came out this way, but the trend has been unmistakable.  2015 has proven to be yet another election in that string.  In Kentucky, a Republican took the governor's office from the Democrats.  The polls have shown the Democrat ahead all through the campaign.  The media portrayed the Republican candidate as some sort of crackpot with no chance for victory.  And all this was in Kentucky which is just about the most Democrat of states when it comes to offices like governor.  In the last century, the Democrats have been in power in Kentucky for 91 years.  Despite all that, the election today was a decisive win for the Republican.

What does this mean?  Kentucky is certainly not a swing state when it comes to presidential elections.  It will likely vote Republican again next year.  The answer, however, is that this result is another manifestation of the inability of the denizens of the Washington bubble and their friends in the media to understand what is actually happening in America.  People are angry.  People don't want more of the same garbage that the Democrats have been inflicting on the country.  Slowly, but surely, the electorate is moving towards the Republicans despite the non-stop claims to the contrary by the media/liberal cognoscenti.


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