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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Will the Democrats Really Block a Sensible Way to Deal with Syrian Refugees?

The House today voted by a veto proof majority in favor of a bill to pause the flow of Syrian refugees to America until a better vetting system can be worked out.  That's right, roughly 25% of the Democrats voted with the Republicans in support of the measure.  That's a pretty overwhelming expression of the current view of the American people.  So what are the Senate Democrats saying?  Harry Reid says not to worry, he and his fellow Democrats will block that bill in the senate.

It's important to understand that the bill passed today in the House would not end resettlement of Syrian refugees as the Democrats claim.  Those who can actually be vetted will still be allowed in.  Where there is a question about the bona fides of a "refugee", however, they won't get in.  The House bill rebalances the treatment of refugees so that the safety of the American people from terrorists is given priority over taking a chance on giving entry to those who cannot be verified.

It's a rather common sense plan, but the senate Demcrats are going to filibuster it in favor of political correctness.  The Democrats would rather let murderous terrorists into the country than to take the risk that someone might call them Islamophobic.  Unbelievable!


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